bellatrix lestrange

sweater: zara, boots + dress worn as skirt: urban outfitters, sunglasses: ray-ban aviators

Bellatrix Lestrange, Voldemort's #1 groupie and all around badass--don't these shoes look like they belong in her wardrobe, well, besides for the fact that they were made by muggles. They're actually reminiscent of a pair of JC x FP boots that I realllly, really want. But these were a fraction of the price, so I settled since dishing out close to $200 for a pair of shoes, no matter how pretty they are, isn't something I do on the regular. Possible birthday present? I think so. And they'll even match my birthday splurge of last year-- my blood red cambridge satchel! (Aren't you glad I didn't refer to it as oxblood?) 

I haven't worn shoes with any semblance of a heel in over a month, since all I've been living in are flat sandals and converse. Apparently I forgot about the wretched pain of wearing any sort of heel, regardless how modest the height. In the beginning of the morning, "Oh man, this is no big deal. My feet feel fine, I was just being a big baby every other time I wore such shoes for extended periods of time." Fast forward 6 hours + countless hills and endless stairs ahead, the balls of my feet are asking me what they ever did to deserve such shit treatment. #dramaqueenproblems

Sharmili Rmy style, outfit