
knit: zara, boyfriend jeans: bdg (@ urban outfitters), shoes: converse, bag: cambridge satchel, beanie: american apparel, sunglasses: ray-ban 

Today I don the "pretending to be homeless is now in and totally acceptable" look, made ever so popular by the Olsen twins. As you can see, the DIY rip expansion in these jeans did not fare so well in the dryer. Fray city, what's up. God forbid my mother sees me in these pants. But alas, I am at school-- crisis averted. 

Gaping holes aside, these jeans are critical for my comfort maximized outfit. Not that my personal aesthetic isn't super relaxed to begin with. Tight tops? No. High heels? No. Shapeless shirts that are basically super soft sacks with arm holes? Yes. Plus, when you forget to set your alarms the previous night leaving you 15 minutes to get yourself together, ease and comfort are of the upmost importance. Later I enjoyed a coke slurpee on a not so hot and not so humid summer day in honor of 7/11 aka free slurpee day.

The new layout is basically completed! I think this font is way more readable than the previous. Thoughts?

I kind of got sucked into the world of html + css. Maybe I will make a post on editing/ making your own layout. Not so much about making codes from scratch, cause I do not have any idea what any of this mumbo jumbo means, but rather links to tutorials/ helpful tidbits on how to accomplish certain parts.